7,1 / 10 stars.
story=Astronaut Roy McBride undertakes a mission across an unforgiving solar system to uncover the truth about his missing father and his doomed expedition that now, 30 years later, threatens the universe.
directors=James Gray.
score=161090 votes.
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This is a hopeless movie. And, I mean that in it's flat catatonic vibe; it's completely undeveloped story; and its shoddy execution as a big budget sci-fi drama.
I wonder if the movie was originally longer, but substantially cut down in size due to to pressures from the movie studio akin to Event Horizon. At least with Event Horizon the edits worked alright. In contrast, Ad Astra jumps choppily from sub- plot to sub-plot where none of movie chapters or characters are meaningfully explored.
The opening chapter with the space elevator and fall was pretty cool, but it was never shown from a real distance which would have enhanced the enormity and technological significance of realizing such an apparatus.
The opposite problem occurs with the moon buggy chase chapter. The space pirates are shown from such a far distance 99% of the time that they and their motives are rendered wholly insignificant.
Things get worse. For one, astronaut Roy McBride's Character is superficially developed and we really know nothing about him. We know even less about his father, Clifford McBride, and why the hell he has been piddling around Neptune for 15 years. Of all the places in the solar system, I doubt Neptune would be the place to set up camp to search for alien life. Sure, Neptune's moon Titon is interesting, and Neptune emits more energy than it gets from the sun. Who knows? Maybe they thought they'd run into the Event Horizon!
Finally, the icing on the cake. Everyone can go home as we can now conclude there is, definitively, no other life in the universe!
Oh, wait, could there be some value in looking at the trillion trillion or more other solar systems out there? Nah!
The astronauts McBride would not be my first choices to be detectives!
Finally, the ending reveal and "climactic" revelations are handled with all the fanfare of a late night diaper run to the Seven Eleven where one finds that the store is closed. br>
Oh well, we might as well just head back. No one will mind that the s. is piling up at home.
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Most scenes are one-off episodes that do little or nothing to advance the story and are boring. There is virtually no coherent story and, but for one or two lines of dialog, almost every scene could be removed without even being missed.
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